Coordinate Geometry Basics

coordinate axes

1. Introduction

An Introduction to Coordinate Geometry

distance formula

2. Distance Formula

Derivation of the Distance Formula

distance formula examples

3. Distance Formula: Examples

Examples Involving Distance Formula

section formula

4. Section Formula

Derivation of the Section Formula

section formula applications

5. Section Formula: Applications

Applications of the Section Formula

6. Section Formula: Examples

Examples Involving the Section Formula

area of triangle

7. Area of Polygons

Derivation of the Formula for the Area of a Polygon

8. Area of Polygons: Examples

Examples Involving the Area of Polygons


9. Locus: Introduction (Part 1)

An Introduction to the Locus of a Point


10. Locus: Introduction (Part 2)

An Introduction to the Locus of a Point

locus equation

11. Locus: Equation (Part 1)

Equation of a Locus and a General Curve

locus equation

12. Locus: Equation (Part 2)

Equation of a Locus and a General Curve

locus example

13. Locus: Examples

Examples Involving Locus of a Point

translation of axes

14. Translation of Axes

Translation of Axes or Shifting of the Origin

rotation of axes

15. Rotation of Axes

Rotation of Axes in the Cartesian Plane

Rotation of Axes

16. Translation and Rotation : Examples

Examples Related to the Translation and Rotation of the Coordinate Axes

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